Atascosa 4-H Youth and Development


Find More Information On Joining, including current participation fee amount and project lists,CLICK HERE.



Atascosa 4-H Newsletter

Click on the logo to find the latest edition of the Atascosa 4-H Newsletter where you will find a list of clubs in our county and the most current information.  Some documents require Acrobat Reader to view them. Click HERE to download and install the FREE reader.


Atascosa County 4-H 2024-2025 Handbook


Become an Atascosa 4-H County Council Officer, Application Here=> 2024 Atascosa 4-H Council Nomination Form

Texas 4-H is a club for kids in 3rd – 12th grade, with programs for K-2. From food science and robotics to fashion design and photography, there’s a 4-H activity for everyone. Find a club near you to start making friends, learn new skills, and be a better you!

Explore what you can do with 4-H

  • Agriculture & Livestock From stock shows to beef, dairy, goats, dogs and cats, learn responsibility with animals. Agriculture & Livestock Category
  • Family & Community Health Be a star in the kitchen or a smart shopper – be a leader in your family with healthy Family & Community Health Category
  • Leadership & Citizenship Practice your public speaking skills, help your community, & become a better leader! Leadership & Citizenship Category
  • Natural Resources Love being outside? Come learn about wildlife, forestry, shooting sports, water conservation & wildlife & fisheries. Natural Resources Category
  • STEM Learn about robotics, computers, alternative energy, engineering, rocketry , theater, performance art and photography. STEM Category
  • Engineering Projects If math, science or technology is your thing, learn to build robots and rockets! Explore the universe! Engineering Projects Category
  • Science Projects Explore the world through our science projects – veterinary, bugs, plants, gardening, technology & more. Science Projects Category
  • Recreational Activities Get Active! You’ll love to learn about outdoor education, sportfishing, gardening and even travel. Recreational Activities Category

4-H 4 More

Join us in creating opportunity FOR more youth by inviting FOUR more youth into the program.

4 More

How to Support 4-H

You can make life-changing experiences happen. Give of your time or financial support.

Give to 4-H Now



4-H FORMS::::

Atascosa 4-H Star Applications:  Bronze Star        Silver Star       Gold Star



 4-H Nomination Form-Council



Ambassador Application    Continue-as-Ambassador-Application



Activity report form 



4-H Merit Scholarship Application  Letter of Intent Due March 1st




Atascosa County Livestock Show:

ACLS ENTRY FORM       ACLS Constitution    ACLS Show Schedule


Rabbit Breeders List Aug 2021


Recordbook Forms Website-State 4-H Recordbook Website


About Recordbooks

Why is it important you keep a record of your 4-H activities? Because, by recording your activities you can remember all the fun you’ve had so far, and set future goals! Keeping records of 4-H projects could help you when you apply for college scholarships too! 4-H Recordbooks are books you make to record your annual projects. The “At a Glance Guide” will help you organize your Recordbook.

Record Book Resources for Members and Parents 

mao   MAP PDF format or MAP Word Format



**Click on the picture to be directed to District or State 4-H websites where you will find more information about 4-H including programs offered and events.

For Current & Local Dates and Contest, please look in the most current website under the Newsletter tab.

District 12 4-H and Youth


4-H Food Show  <—-Click for rules and guidelines.


4-H Photography Contest     <—-Click for rules and guidelines.


Texas 4-H Fashion and Interior Design Show  <—-Click for rules and guidelines.

 Fashion ShowDistrict 12 4-H Fashion Show


Clover - colorSTATE 4-H Round UP

State Roundup_Guide_

District 12 4-H Roundup


Texas 4-H Horse Show



Texas 4-H Natural Resources Program


Click on city below for stock show information.

Austin            Houston                Fort Worth               San Angelo                  San Antonio



Mission of Texas 4-H

Prepare youth to meet the challenges of childhood, adolescence and adulthood, through a coordinated, long-term, progressive series of educational experiences that enhance life skills and develop social, emotional, physical and cognitive competencies.

      4-H Youth Development & Mentoring Programs

Preparing young people to make a positive impact in their communities and the world.

  • Who We Are

    4-H’ers across the nation are responding to challenges every day in their communities and their world.

    As the youth development program of the Cooperative Extension System of land-grant universities, 4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization, empowering six million young people throughout the United States. Cooperative Extension of 1862 and 1890  land-grant universities provide the leadership to engage young people in 4-H in all 3,007 counties of the United States.  The impact of the Cooperative Extension partnership is profound, bringing together National Institute of Food and Agriculture of USDA,  land grant universities and county government to resource learning opportunities for youth.

    Through America’s 110 land-grant universities and its Cooperative Extension System, 4-H reaches every corner of our nation—from urban neighborhoods to suburban schoolyards to rural farming communities. With a network of more than 6 million youth, 611,800 volunteers, 3,500 professionals, and more than 25 million alumni, 4-H helps shape youth to move our country and the world forward in ways that no other youth organization can.

    Proven Results

    The Positive Development of Youth: Comprehensive Findings from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development is the first-ever research project of its kind. The decade-long study, completed by a team of researchers at the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University, Medford, MA, is influencing research and practice around the world.

    The report shows that 4-H youth excel beyond their peers. 4-H’ers are about:

    • Four times more likely to make contributions to their communities (Grades 7-12);
    • Two times more likely to be civically active (Grades 8-12);
    • Two times more likely to make healthier choices (Grade 7);
    • Two times more likely to participate in Science, Engineering and Computer Technology programsduring out-of-school time (Grades 10 – 12); and
    • 4-H girls are two times  more likely (Grade 10) and nearly three times more likely (Grade 12) to take part in science programs compared to girls in other out-of-school time activities.

    Unparalleled Reach and Scope

    With 611,800 volunteers, 3,500 professionals, and more than 25 million alumni, the 4-H movement supports young people from elementary school through high school with programs designed to shape future leaders and innovators. Fueled by research-driven programming, 4-H’ers engage in hands-on learning activities in the areas of science, citizenship and healthy living.

    Leading by Example

    The caring support of adult volunteers and mentors inspires young people in 4-H to work collaboratively, take the lead on their own projects and set and achieve goals with confidence. 4-H’ers chart their own course, explore important issues and define their place in the world. 4-H’ers stand up for themselves and their communities.

    These pivotal experiences build a foundation of leadership and skills for success in their future careers. Learn more about 4-H programs or find out how you can get involved.

    THE 4-HS

    Head, Heart, Hands, and Health are the four Hs in 4-H, and they are the four values members work on through fun and engaging programs.

    • Head – Managing, Thinking
    • Heart – Relating, Caring
    • Hands – Giving, Working
    • Health – Being, Living

    I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
    My heart to greater loyalty,
    My hands to larger service,
    and my health to better living,
    for my club, my community, my country, and my world.


    4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.

    4-H VISION

    A world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change.


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