Result Demonstrations


Floating Row Cover / Frost Cloth Demonstration 2024

Two locations were used to evaluate floating row cover on strawberries in Atascosa County prior to a serious county freeze event. The two locations did have an increase in overall plant health do to the floating row cover. One location did have a yield increase and earlier harvest with the use of the product.
Evaluate the usage of floating row cover to see if increased plant health and flower and fruit production could be increased by the use of floating row cover.

Evaluating Strawberry Varieties Statewide to Increase Producer Competitiveness 2023-2024

Strawberry producers in Texas and Atascosa County have been evaluating strawberry cultivars for varietal adaptation and production. Fifteen cultivars were evaluated across the state and Atascosa County. Cultivars include Albion, Cabrillo, Camarosa, Chandler, Camino Real, Festival, Fronteras, Monterey, Radiance, Royal Royce, Ruby June, San Andreas, Sweet Ann, Valiant and Victor. This Demonstration was partially funded through a Texas Department of Agriculture Specialty Crops Block Grant.

To evaluate cultivars across Atascosa County and the State of Texas for adaptability and production for Texas and Atascosa County Strawberry Growers.


Brush & Weeds Studies

2020_Invora_Huidache_cut-stump_Treatment Progress Report Atascosa

Invora Huisache Cut-Stump Treatments Atascosa Final

Three rates of Invora and one rate of Remedy Ultra were used to treat huisache using the cut-stump method. At one-year post-treatment, all treatments exhibited 100% plant-mortality. Final evaluations will be conducted in 2023.
The purpose of this project was to investigate Invora cut-stump rates for huisahce contro

2021_Ground_broadcast_juvenile_huisache_control Progress report Atascosa_Guadalupe

2021-23 Ground Broadcast Juvenile Huisache Control Atascosa & Guadalupe Final

Four treatments with Invora herbicide were applied at sites in Atascosa and Guadalupe Counties in October and November 2021. At one-year, apparent plant-mortality for all treatments was above 80%. However, the lowest rate of Invora appears to be less consistent than other treatments.
This project explores followup treatment options for controlling juvenile huisache plants

Control of Key Weeds in South Texas Peanut

Everman et al. (2008) found that the critical weed free period of broadleaf weed interference in peanut was approximately eight weeks after planting, thus effective early-season control is of utmost importance for maintaining yield potential. Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) emerging with the crop is capable of out-competing peanut for sunlight, water, and nutrients and is likely to produce extremely large amounts of seed if allowed to compete season-long (Mahoney et al. 2021). Burke et al (2007) found that peanut yield was decreased 28% due to season-long competition from one Palmer amaranth individual plant per meter of row.
In a previous study near Pearsall, TX in 2021, effective season-long control of Palmer amaranth was achieved with Prowl H2O + Valor + Dual Magnum PRE followed by Dual Magnum + 2,4-DB MPOST (98% control), Prowl H2O + Dual Magnum PRE followed by Dual Magnum + 2,4-DB MPOST (97%), Prowl H2O + Valor + Dual Magnum PRE (95%), Prowl H2O PRE followed by imazapic + 2,4-DB EPOST (92%), Prowl H2O PRE followed by Anthem Flex + 2,4-DB EPOST (88%), Prowl H2O + Dual Magnum PRE (83%), Prowl H2O + Valor PRE (78%), and Prowl H2O + Anthem Flex (78%)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of herbicide programs for season-long control of key weed species and crop safety.

Beef Studies

Beef 706 -Result Demonstration Report

Cow/calf producers are faced with several production and marketing alternatives. Knowledge of factors affecting phases of production beyond weaning will result in a more comprehensive understanding of the entire beef industry and better decision making.
The program is designed to educate producers in the selection, feeding and processing phases of beef production and to demonstrate individual animal variation in feed yard performance, carcass merit and economic return.

Brush Country Fecal Analysis 2022 Report In progress

Brush Country Fecal Analysis 2022 & 2023 Progress Report Atascosa Update

Cow/calf producers are faced with ongoing challenges in managing beef cattle herds for internal parasites that may reduce the performance of their herds. In addition, resistance to dewormers used to control gastrointestinal internal parasites (GIN) is a severe problem recognized worldwide. No new classes of dewormers have been released in the U.S. since the 1980s. However, during the last decade, parasite resistance to dewormers has become more prominent, requiring new control strategies. This project aims to evaluate Texas cattle ranches to determine the prevalence of resistance to current dewormers and develop improved control strategies.
The Fecal Analysis is utilized to see if beef cattle de-wormers are effective against internal parasites and to help identify if resistance is occurring. With the use of a de-wormer it should reduce the population of internal parasites by 90% to 100% at the 14 day evaluation time. If your de-wormer is 80% effective you are leaving 20% of your parasites behind that are resistant.


Crop Studies


According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, the 2023 average yield was 2,600 lb/ac in TX. The
2023 planted acres were 191,182 acres (FSA report, 2024; Table 1). The 2023 season started with winter drought,
where west TX received only 0.5 inches of rain from January to April. May and June rainfalls lessened the drought
conditions and helped establish peanut stands. Unlike the past two years, temperatures in May were favorable for
optimum stand establishment for peanuts in 2023. Three digits temperatures were observed in the second week of
June. This was the beginning of a very hot and dry summer for the 2023 crop season. Above 100F temperature
continued through September, which enhanced evapotranspiration. We have lost as much as 3 inches of water per
week in August due to the high temperature. In mid-September, temperatures finally started to cool off, and water
loss through evapotranspiration started to decrease. However, irrigation had to be running to improve the pod
development and peanut grades. Texas went through hot and dry conditions for the past two consecutive years.
Although 2023 received more precipitation than in 2022, it was still not enough to maintain healthy growth of
peanuts without adequate amount of irrigation.

2022 Peanut Variety Trials & Breeding Lines

The TAMU Peanut project had replicated yield trials located in South Texas, (Pearsall, Dilley, and Derby). 5 small plot Advanced Line Tests (ALT’s) and 2 large plot Combine Trials across Texas as well as two replicated screening nurseries for Sclerotinia and Leafspot resistance. We narrowed down lines developed for drought tolerance to one high performing line in our ALT test in order to continue to get more accurate information on the line’s performance. Two top performing candidates were included from previous year’s results. Thirteen new breeding lines were included that were top candidates for the Multiple Disease Resistance Test and from the High Yield and Grade tests and 5 commercial checks Georgia 16HO, AG18, Georgia 09B, Georgia 14N, Webb and NemaTAM II. Across the state results for individual test were statistically revealing however when combined the yield and value per acre results did not prove to be statistically significant. However, for brevity the combined analysis is presented for discussion.

2022 Strawberries Result demonstration report Atascosa

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Texas Tech University, Prairie View A&M University, the Poteet Strawberry Festival Association, the Poteet Rotary Club, and Texas strawberry growers collaborated on this research project to increase the sustainability and profitability of Texas-grown strawberries.


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